Multi Colored Packages
Teeny Package
Refundable security deposit required
10 x 8 (Play area)
4hrs rental
Soft mats
Ball pit with balls
Sensory mirror
3 soft blocks
Squared tunnel + step
2 hopper animals
Riding horse
Shoe basket
Rules board
$60 for every additional hr (depending on availability.)
Travel & service fee required and not included in the package price.
$60 additional fee in case of stairs, elevators or difficult entry.
Pick up of equipment no later than 7pm Saturday. Pick up no later than 6pm Sunday.
Tiny Package
Refundable security deposit required
12 x 10 (Play area)
4hrs rental
Soft mats
6 giant legos
6 soft blocks
Round tumble tunnel or Squared tunnel
5 soft climber pieces
2 hopper animals
Shoe baskets
Rules board
Bounce with ball pit attached & fence OPTIONAL WITH NO ADDITIONAL COST.
$60 for every additional hr (depending on availability.)
Travel & service fee required and not included in the package price.
$60 additional fee in case of stairs and elevators.
Pick up of equipment no later than 7pm Saturday. Pick up no later than 6pm Sunday.
Play Package
Refundable security deposit required
12 x 16 (Play area)
4hrs rental
Soft mats
5 soft climbers
Round tumble tunnel or Squared
2 hopper animals
Ball pit with balls
6 soft blocks
6 lego blocks
Soft rocker
Shoe basket
Rules board
Bounce house (Red bounce house) & fence OPTIONAL WITH NO ADDITIONAL COST.
$60 for every additional hr (depending on availability.) *
Travel & service fee required and not included in the package price.
$60 additional fee in case of stairs and elevators.
Please note, Trampoline has been retired from our stock to evade injuries. It has been replaced with a soft rocker or softplay piece.
Pick up of equipment no later than 7pm Saturday. Pick up no later than 6pm Sunday.
Party in Package
Refundable security deposit required
16 x 14 (Play area)
4hrs rental
Soft mats
Soft play tunnel with step & slide
2 hopper animals
large infinity ballpit
Soft play blocks
Lego blocks
Trampoline or soft rocker
Stepping Buckets
Rules board
Shoe basket
Bounce house (Red bounce house) & fence OPTIONAL WITH NO ADDITIONAL COST.
$60 for every additional hr (depending on availability.) *
Travel & service fee required and not included in the package price.
$60 additional fee in case of stairs and elevators.
Please note, Trampoline has been retired from our stock to evade injuries. It has been replaced with a soft rocker or softplay piece.
Pick up of equipment no later than 7pm Saturday. Pick up no later than 6pm Sunday.